You will uncover a sinister secret "B-18", long abandoned for unknown reasons. And who knows what adventures await you there? Get ready for the most horrible experience of your life!
Continued already liked so many horror Dead Bunker. The game begins as soon as our hero to collect 5 notebooks having gone to the door, thinking to leave this sinister place. But as it turned out not so simple. After losing consciousness, he woke up in a wet basement, enclosed in a cage. Of which it is necessary to find a way out. On the walls hung a strange note left by one of the scientists who could survive in that ill-fated night. Here you have to go his way. See with their own eyes what happened in the distant past. And finally solve the mystery of what happened here.
Chapter I Start:
- Explore an abandoned gloomy basement, which once stored supplies for the residents of the bunker. Now here is the emptiness and chaos. But be careful it does not turn into a long piece of history.
- Explore the engine room of the laboratory, meter by meter. Your eyes will open one of the missions of rescue personnel, "B-18"
- You have not an easy task to find some thing in an old abandoned military camp. Where only ghosts can feel safe.
- Stunning graphics
- To the bone atmosphere and sound
- 6 chapters (in this version available 3 chapters, and the rest will be added to the automatic update)
- A convenient and intuitive control

Download Svet HD v1.00.07 Android
Svet HD v1.00.07 Apk + Data FullSize: 95 MB
Required android: 2.3 and up
Source Link:
- Download all files below
- Install apk
- Put data on Sdcard\android\obb\here
- Play the game
beryl raffa 07 Aug, 2013
Source: http://bbapk.blogspot.com/2013/08/free-download-svet-hd-v10007-apk-data.html
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