Bounty Arms "is a full 3D side-scrolling action game, compared with the majority of similar works, not only allows players to run around, you can also move up and down, a change in the horizontal version of the game space constraints. In the game, players will control a modern soldier, in a different world for the money while killing off the enemy. The game has a lot of science fiction elements, the protagonist of the use of weapons is also very modern, rather, "Terminator" feeling.

Download Bounty Arms v1.0 Android
Bounty Arms v1.0 Apk + DataSize: 260 -280 MB
Required android: 2.3 and up
Source Link: Here
- Download all files below
- Install apk
- Put data on Sdcard\android\obb\here
- Play the game
beryl raffa 24 Jul, 2013
Source: http://bbapk.blogspot.com/2013/07/free-download-bounty-arms-v10-apk-data.html
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